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All physical therapists are qualified through higher education, clinical experience, and licensure to evaluate, diagnose, and treat a variety of symptoms and conditions. Many choose to focus their practice on a specific area or patient group and obtain advanced knowledge and experience in physical therapy specialty areas. Some attend residency programs, obtain board-certification, or go on to participate in fellowship programs. Learn more about these advanced learning pathways in physical therapy specialty areas.

Sports physical therapy focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, injury recovery, and performance enhancement for active individuals. Physical therapists who focus on or specialize in sports physical therapy most often treat athletes and people who regularly participate in physical activities.

They help athletes return to sports after an injury or surgery and provide exercises and education to help them prevent future injuries and reduce the risk of reinjury. They use the best available research to help active people meet their fitness, recovery, and performance goals.

Sports physical therapists often provide the following services:

  • Participation in sports screenings for athletes.
  • Performance enhancement.
  • Injury prevention.
  • On-site evaluation and management of sports injuries.
  • Treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Equipment recommendations.
  • Prescribed fitness programs.

They provide treatment for athletes experiencing problems, such as:

Looking for a physical therapist who focuses on or specializes in sports physical therapy or who is experienced in treating athletes? The American Physical Therapy Association provides Find a PT to help you search for a physical therapist with these and other credentials near you.

Physical therapists are movement experts. They improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement. You can see a physical therapist without a physician's referral for evaluation and treatment.*

Find a PT Near You

Learn about board certification in sports physical therapy.

*Insurance and corporate policies or state laws may still require a physician's referral or limit treatment scope and duration without a referral. Insurance policies also may limit you to in-network providers.

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