Health Center
More than 70 million Americans age 50 and older suffer from at least one chronic condition.
One of the keys to preventing chronic conditions is regular physical activity, but declines in strength and flexibility can make that a challenge for even the most determined older adults.
That's where your physical therapist comes in! Physical therapists are movement experts who can help you overcome pain, gain and maintain movement, and preserve your independence, often without the need for surgery or long-term use of prescription drugs.
Symptoms & Conditions
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Arthritis
- Heart Disease and Heart Failure
- Falls
- Osteoporosis
- Frailty
- Stroke
- Incontinence
Explore other symptoms and conditions.
Featured Content

Health Tips
Retired or Retiring Soon? Here's How to Invest in Your Health Span for a Quality Life Span
Life span is how long you live. Health span is how long you can live independently with a good quality of life. Focusing on your fitness in early retirement can give you a return on investment that pays dividends through your lifespan.

Health Tips
Maintaining Health and Fitness: Tips and Exercises for Older Adults
Lack of physical activity can lead to loss of muscle strength at a rate of around 12% a week! These exercises and tips from physical therapists can help older adults stay strong at home or in community living environments.

Health Tips
9 Things Your Physical Therapist Wants You To Know About Aging Well
With the right type and amount of physical activity, we can help stave off many age-related health problems. These nine tips from physical therapists will help you live life to its fullest.

Health Tips
6 Exercises to Promote Balance That You Can Do at Home
Balance training is an important and effective part of falls prevention. Performing safe home exercises can help strengthen your lower body to promote balance and reduce your overall fall risk, among other health benefits.
Additional Older Adult Content
Aug 17, 2015 | Did You Know?
People often link aging with physical decline.But research suggests that improvements in physical function are possible well into older adulthood.
Aug 7, 2017 | Health Tips
Aging can have a bad reputation. But there is no reason that growing older can’t be a journey full of adventure and opportunities with these tips from physical therapists.
Jun 3, 2020 | Open Access
Lisa Bell, PT, leads exercises for older adults and those with balance issues.
Jan 15, 2019 | Health Tips
For healthy bones, it is important to maintain a physically active lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. Physical therapists can design a unique program for you to help keep your bones healthy.
March 10, 2021 | Guide
Balance problems make it hard for people to maintain stable posture and stay upright when standing, walking, and even sitting. Physical therapy can help you improve your balance and reduce your risk for falls.