Health Center
Physical therapists can advise cyclists of all ages and abilities on ways to avoid and recover from injury. Your physical therapist may also be experienced evaluating your "bike fit" to help you maximize performance and avoid pain and injuries commonly associated with cycling.
Physical therapists are movement experts. They improve quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement. You can contact a physical therapist directly for an evaluation. To find a physical therapist in your area, visit Find a PT.
Symptoms & Conditions
Physical therapists treat and manage numerous conditions affecting cyclists, including:
Explore other symptoms and conditions.
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Health Tips
Tips for Healthy Cycling From Physical Therapists
Cycling is a repetitive activity, that can lead to discomfort or pain. If you have pain related to cycling, you might have a bike fit problem. These tips from physical therapists can help you address bike fit problems and prevent injury.

Cycling Performance and Injuries
A physical therapist discusses cycling performance and injuries.

Patient Stories
Physical Therapy Helps Cyclist Overcome Challenges Related to Scoliosis and Degenerative Disk Disease
"She instilled it in me that I was going to get that 100% recovery—100% for me, not for the average person, but for me."

Aging Well: 70+ Adults and a PT Share How To Thrive, Despite Chronic Conditions
Older adults who sit too much get out of shape. Senior pickleball athlete Andy Leighton and triathlete Patsy Lillehei join physical therapist Becca Jordre to share how it's never too late to be active and feel good.
Additional Cycling Content
Jul 2, 2021 | Health Tips
Staying active while living with a disability is important for your health. Physical activity can help you strengthen your heart, muscles, and bones and improve coordination.
Jan 31, 2011 | Patient Stories
Today he is a professional cyclist and a physical therapist. But as a teenager Tim Haitz moved so awkwardly that other kids called him "swivel."
Aug 15, 2014 | Podcast
Hit by a car while riding his bike at age 14 changed the course of Tim Haitz's life for almost 30 years, until he met his physical therapist.
Dec 15, 2013 | Podcast
When former NFL linebacker Don Davey retired from professional football, he wasn't done pursuing athletic dreams.