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Anthony Alexander Yengo, PT, ATC

Physical Therapist

Clinical Specialties:
Orthopedic Specialist

Practice Description: Quest Physical Therapy is a locally owned private practice. We specialize in spine rehab (low back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain), sports injuries, post operative care (joint replacement, knee reconstruction, shoulder or back surgery), postural re-education, and other orthopedic conditions. Our physical therapists have advanced training in orthopedics and customize our treatment plans to each individual.

Member: APTA Private Practice Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

1 Practice Location

Quest Physical Therapy
5704 E. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Issaquah, WA 98029

Appointment Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00AM- 7:00PM


Anthony Alexander Yengo, PT, ATC

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Since May 16, 2010, valid through Aug 29, 2030
Certificate Number: 22234

Other Certifications


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