Elizabeth Michelle Steele, PT, DPT
6-9 years / Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Specialist
Practice Description: - Outpatient pre/post lung transplant rehabilitation - Outpatient Cystic Fibrosis Clinic Annual Wellness Assessment - Acute Care including cardiac, pulmonary, medicine, and critically ill populations
Member: American Physical Therapy Association
1 Practice Location
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Appointment Hours: 8-430
Elizabeth Michelle Steele, PT, DPT
Senior II Physical Therapist Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania September 2017 - Present: Outpatient pulmonary rehab pre and post lung transplant; acute care; cystic fibrosis clinic Critical Care Fellow August 2016-August 2017: Year-long mentored fellowship in caring for the critically ill Physical Therapist Temple University Hospital March 2013-August 2016: acute care, acute rehab, burn/wound careProfessional Education
Critical Care Fellowship August 2015-August 2017 Doctor of Physical Therapy Arcadia University 2013 Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Science University of Pittsburgh 2010Board Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2018, valid through Jun 29, 2028
Certificate Number: 51690