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Connie Strey, PT

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Clinical Specialties:
Women's Health Specialist
Areas of Focus:
Breast Cancer
Dry Needling
Pelvic Health

Practice Description: At PT Center for Women, Connie treats all types of patients. She has 35 years of experience treating pelvic pain, urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic muscle dysfunction, pregnancy and so much more. Connie is passionate about pelvic pain and provides comprehensive musculoskeletal and pelvic floor exams to assure an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.

Member: APTA Pelvic Health

1 Practice Location

PT Center for Women, 3232 N. Ballard Rd, Suite 204, Appleton, WI 54911


Connie Strey, PT

Connie Strey is a licensed Physical Therapist specializing in vulvar disorders and pelvic pain. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Winona State University and received her Degree in Physical Therapy from the Chicago Medical School and Health-Related Sciences. Connie is also board-certified in pelvic muscle dysfunction biofeedback (PMDB) through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America. She has earned her pelvic rehab practitioner certification (PRPC) as well.

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy
Since May 15, 2011, valid through Jun 29, 2031
Certificate Number: 40892