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Sheri D. Schoenberg, PT

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Areas of Focus:
Back Pain
Manual Therapy

Member: Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

1 Practice Location

Arctic Chiro, Rehab and PT

125 Raven Way, Unalaska, AK 99685

Appointment Hours: 0830-1900, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Translation services available upon request


Sheri D. Schoenberg, PT

Artic Physical Therapy, Bethel, AK 1/2017 to present Adient/ATI Orthopaedic PT, Fairbanks, AK 1/2016 to 1/2017 Travelling 6/2014 thru 1/2017 McMeen PT, Nebraska, 06/2011 to 5/2014 Twin Rivers PT, Clarkston WA, 10/2006 to 5/2011 Lewiston Rehab & CC, Lewiston ID, 01/2004 to 10/2006 Presbyterian Healthcare Services, ABQ NM, 10/1998 to 12/2003

Professional Education

University of New Mexico, 1988 Southern Oregon State Univ, 1984