Donna Lynn Ross, PT, DPT, MS
10-19 years / Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Geriatric Specialist
- Offers:
- Annual PT Checkups
- Home Visits
- Areas of Focus:
- Health Promotion And Wellness
- Balance
- Falls Prevention
- Geriatrics
Member: American Physical Therapy Association
1 Practice Location
Be Well Physical Therapy and Consulting
Donna Lynn Ross, PT, DPT, MS
Be Well PT and Consulting was started after working 20 years in the home health setting, extensively, with the geriatric population. I quickly found that delivering care in the client’s own living situation was the best way to work through and around the specific barriers that each may have; whether physical, cognitive, environmental, or psychosocial. I’m excited to deliver private care to clients and their families in their own home setting.Professional Education
Board Certified Geriatric Clinical SpecialistBoard Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Geriatric Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2020, valid through Jun 29, 2030
Certificate Number: GE200195