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Alesia Ruth Pearson, PT, DPT

20 years or more / Doctor of Physical Therapy

Clinical Specialties:
Geriatric Specialist
Areas of Focus:
Acute Care
Inpatient Rehabilitation

Practice Description: primarily adult acute care in large hospital; including geriatrics, medically complex, organ & bone marrow transplant, cardiac, pulmonary, neuro, med/surg, oncology...

Member: American Physical Therapy Association

1 Practice Location

UTSW - Clements University Hospital

6201 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235

Appointment Hours: 7:30-4:00


Alesia Ruth Pearson, PT, DPT

Professional activities have included working with teams for creating exercise protocols and handouts for various diagnosis in the acute setting, advanced studies and practice in Vestibular Rehab & geriatric strength training; in-patient rehab with emphasis in stroke and joint replacement populations; inservices provided for various topics including journal club, vestibular rehab and sickle cell management; CI; preceptor/trainer for new staff

Professional Education

SMU - BA in Biology, 1988; TWU - MSPT, 1997; TWU - DPT, 2017; GCS 2021

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Geriatric Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2021, valid through Jun 29, 2031
Certificate Number: GE210191