Melissa Robin Ommundsen, PT, DPT
10-19 years / Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Women's Health Specialist
- Areas of Focus:
- Orthopaedics
- Pelvic Health
Practice Description: At Melissa Ommundsen PT, I offer one-on-one, hands-on treatment for patients with women's and men's pelvic health dysfunctions, pre and postpartum musculoskeletal dysfunction, post-mastectomy and other musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Treatments include (as appropriate), but are not limited to a variety of soft tissue/connective tissue mobilization techniques; joint, neural and visceral mobilizations; biofeedback; e-stim; kinesio taping and postural & functional training.
Member: APTA Pelvic Health
1 Practice Location
Melissa Ommundsen PT, P.C. Info: Fee for service private practice, out of network provider.
Melissa Robin Ommundsen, PT, DPT
Began professional career at Body In Balance Physical Therapy in Hauppauge, NY as a Full-Time Physical Therapist with an emphasis on Women's health treatment and continuing education through the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute (2006-2013) & became Assistant Clinical Director (2010-2013). Became Part-Time Faculty at the School of Health Technology and Management at Stony Brook University (2013-2014). Earned ABPTS WCS Became owner at Melissa Ommundsen PT, P.C. (2014-present)Professional Education
Melissa Ommundsen PT, DPT, WCS, completed a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Lafayette College in 2001 and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Stony Brook University in 2006. She became a Women's Health Specialist (WCS) through the ABPTS in 2015.Board Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy
Since May 17, 2015, valid through Jun 29, 2025
Certificate Number: 46372