Sarah Katherine O'Bryan, PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Geriatric Specialist
Practice Description: Hospital run Physical Therapy clinic serving a wide variety of patients including patients after having hip, back, knee, and shoulder surgeries, etc, low back pain, decreased balance/increased falls, general deconditioning, wound care, if what you are looking for is not listed in this description just give us a call and ask! We do not have any specializations at this moment but offer great care for a wide variety!
Member: American Physical Therapy Association
1 Practice Location
Grandview Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Appointment Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00 CST
Sarah Katherine O'Bryan, PT, DPT
Board Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Geriatric Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2018, valid through Jun 29, 2028
Certificate Number: 51912