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James W. Moore, PT

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Clinical Specialties:
Orthopedic Specialist
Areas of Focus:
Manual Therapy
Sports Physical Therapy
Athletic Training

Practice Description: My professional passion is helping motivated individuals achieve their maximum recovery from injury and to identify and work to prevent injury. I am committed to continuous learning in order to offer the people I work with the most progressive and effective care. I believe in educating my clients so that they understand how to participate in their healing and prevent re-injury.

Member: Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

1 Practice Location

Therapeutic Associates Wandermere Physical Therapy
403 W Hastings, Spokane, WA 99218

Appointment Hours: 7am-7pm

Payment Info: We accept most insurance plans. Please call for additional information


James W. Moore, PT

My professional passion is helping motivated individuals achieve their maximum recovery from injury and to identify and work to prevent injury. I am committed to continuous learning in order to offer the people I work with the most progressive and effective care. I believe in educating my clients so that they understand how to participate in their healing and prevent re-injury. I have worked with athletes my entire career from professional to youth and as a former collegiate football player I have an understanding of how injury affects an athlete. As a certified manual therapist through the NAIOMT with functional training including FMS and SFMA my treatment approach emphasizes manual therapy and functional exercise and offers my clients the most efficient and effective recovery.

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Since May 2, 1995, valid through Jun 29, 2025
Certificate Number: 1276

Other Certifications

Fellow American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists

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