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Melissa Lynn Miller, PT

Physical Therapist

Clinical Specialties:
Neurology Specialist

Practice Description: A physical therapy clinic that specializes in balance and vestibular rehab, manual therapy, aquatic therapy and orthopedic rehab. We have a Computerized treadmill with body weight support; an overhead gait system to assist with improving ambulation and balance as well as Neurocom CDP testing to assist with vestibular rehab prognosis.

Member: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy

1 Practice Location

APRN Balance and Mobility
3306 Meijer Dr, Toledo, OH 43617

Appointment Hours: Monday 9:30 - 7:00 Tuesday & Wednesday 7:15 - 4:00 Thursday 8:00 - 4:45 Friday 7:15 - 4:45


Melissa Lynn Miller, PT

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2018, valid through Jun 29, 2028
Certificate Number: 52235