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Scott Douglas McGrew, PT

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Clinical Specialties:
Wound Specialist
Areas of Focus:
Foot And Ankle
Wound Management

Practice Description: I work with leprosy patients at the NHDP. These patients suffer with distal motor and sensor loss in the hands and feet making them prone to injuries, burns, infections and amputations. We teach a course, Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention, for wound care providers about caring for the neuropathic foot, splinting and casting. The course provides 17 CEUs, free.

Member: Clinical Electrophysiology And Wound Management

1 Practice Location

National Hansen's Disease Program
9181 Interline Av, Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Appointment Hours: 0730-1600

Payment Info: N/A. US Government pays for all leprosy-related care.

Translation services available upon request


Scott Douglas McGrew, PT

Started as a US Army officer and therapist working in outpatient/inpatient hospital clinics; became chief of inpatient PT services at BAMC, a level one trauma center. Then worked in private practice outpatient PT and in home health for 10 years. Finally, joined the US Public Health Service and worked at a hospital in AZ on an Indian Reservation doing outpatient and inpatient care. Developed wound management skills and earn ABWM Certified Wound Specialist (CWS). Leprosy care specialist x 3 years.

Professional Education

MPT, US Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Physical Therapy 1995; DPT Utica University, 2021; ABWM CWS, 2018

Board Certifications

Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Wound Management Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2023, valid through Jun 29, 2033
Certificate Number: WMS230482

Other Certifications

Certified Wound Specialist

Additional Interests

Snow Skiing, SCUBA, Gardening, Family Vacations, Raising Labrador puppies