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Rivi Har-El, PT, PhD

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Areas of Focus:
Body Mechanics Training
Manual Therapy
Pain Management

Practice Description: In order to thoroughly evaluate and analyze the complexity of the body disorder/discomfort, Dr. Rivi drew from the following elements within physical therapy, dance/movement therapy and guided imagery. In physical therapy, she relates to patients’ range of motion, pain level, posture and function levels. In dance/movement therapy, she relates to the patients’ typical pattern of movement and how it may be related to their injury.

Member: American Physical Therapy Association

1 Practice Location

225 EAST 79TH STREET, SUITE 1B, New York, NY 10075


Rivi Har-El, PT, PhD

Dr. Rivi Har-El has over 40 years of experience treating people with chronic pain and musculoskeletal disorders. She held the position of a Clinical Assistant Professor at the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center from 2009-2018, where she taught future therapists how to utilize body-mind awareness and the RiVision method. Dr. Rivi is the founder of the RiVision Healing center in New York.

Languages Spoken

  • Hebrew

Additional Interests

RiVision's method goes beyond the physical manifestations of pain to explore a patient overall movements and stressors in relation to emotions, repetitive stress trauma, and every day life. It integrates PT, dance therapy and guided imagery.