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Matthew J. Dvorak, PT

20 years or more / Physical Therapist

Practice Description: Peloton Physical Therapy is a privately owned physical therapy practice located in the heart of Yankton, SD. Peloton Physical Therapy services specialize in general orthopedic, sports, and geriatric physical therapy services. We are a small practice which allows our therapists to develop individulaized care plans and provide excellent personalized service. Matt has over 31 years of practice experience in all areas of Physical Therapy. He has spent most all of his career in the Yankton are

Member: American Physical Therapy Association

1 Practice Location

Peloton Physical Therapy

1101 Broadway Ave., Suite 115B, Yankton, SD 57078

Appointment Hours: 8:00-6:00 Monday Through Friday

Translation services available upon request


Matthew J. Dvorak, PT

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