Katherine Marie Burke, PT, DPT
10-19 years / Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Neurology Specialist
- Areas of Focus:
- Neurology
Practice Description: Multidisciplinary ALS Clinic
Member: Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy
1 Practice Location
Massachusetts General Hospital
https://www.massgeneral.org/neurology/als/Appointment Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM-5PM
Translation services available upon request
Katherine Marie Burke, PT, DPT
Katey Burke is a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurological Physical Therapy. She received her doctorate degree in physical therapy from MGH IHP. She currently works at the Healey Center for ALS at MGH. Her current role includes the clinical management of patients with ALS and other motor neuron diseases. She is involved in research, both as an evaluator and in protocol and outcome development, with a special interest in the role of technology to capture clinical changes over time.Board Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2016, valid through Jun 29, 2026
Certificate Number: 47844