Jennifer Lynne Bradt, PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Clinical Specialties:
- Oncology Specialist
Practice Description: Hospital-based outpatient clinic on the Mayo Clinic campus, Rochester, MN. Physical and occupational therapists work together with PM&R physicians specializing in cancer rehabilitation and lymphedema management. Cancer rehabilitation occurs in close cooperation with oncology, radiation oncology, hematology, and surgical services. Patients suffering from lymphedema and edema related to any diagnosis including congenital vascular disorders are also treated at this location.
Member: APTA Oncology
1 Practice Location
Jennifer Lynne Bradt, PT, DPT
Board Certifications
Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Oncologic Physical Therapy
Since Jun 30, 2019, valid through Jun 29, 2029
Certificate Number: 54946